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This blog is refer to my COM 4623 : Critical Literacy subject by Mr. Kamaraziz Kamarulzaman

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rules of Ten (10)

What is Rules of Ten (10)?

Actually, rules of ten are a stage whereby we are was introduced to the new way of approaching to a text critically. In this stage, we are being introduce to someone’s worksheets and art works for a particular purpose. This is the important element are needed in the Critical Literacy.

As a students of Critical Literacy's subject, we need to learn how to find out the meaning and also the purpose of the writer in making the article for the audiences.

Sample of key question that will be ask are:

  • Who is the write of the text?
  • Who is the audience for the text?
  • Why was the text is produced?
Why Rules of Ten? This is because in this topic it is consist of ten (10) elements that need to be focused on. For examples:

Paraphrasing the headline or the title given in a short words based on the picture in your mind.

Briefing a bit about the what happened in the article, who is get involved, where it happened, when the event and also what the reason it happened?

Where would be the real sources?
From who?

Who will be the audience of the text or the worksheets

Rhetorical Function:
What is the solution that the writer want to give based on the problems?
Is he or she is trying to;
  • Informing?
  • Advising?
  • Warning?
  • Entertaining?
  • Instructing?
  • Ordering?
  • Educating?
  • Persuading?
  • Explaining
  • Other?
The formula for Purpose is (Purpose = Rhetorical Function + Audience + Topic)

What is the stand in the text? Find out as many as you can. In this stage you need to list down the stands and kill the preposition with two premises.

In this stage, you can directly continue your opinion weather to agree of to disagree with the article.

What are the impression based on the audience who are reading the article?

Visual Literacy:
What is the relationship between the title of the article with the picture(s) given?
What is the viewer's position?

1. T - he
2. C - at
3. S -tand
4. A - t
5. R - iver
6. P - ouring
7. P -urple
8. P - ipe
9. I - n
10. V - ase

As the conclusion, the Rule of Ten have teach us to be mo critical in thinking to make sure we know how to identify the meaningful data hidden in the article.

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